salam 1 malaysia.
Hi guys!
mesti ramai yg nk google2 pasal muet kaaaan? hehe.. its normal guys..
well.. I just finished my muet speaking test 2 hours ago. i wanna share some experiences with you guys...
urm.. first thing first, prepare ur slip and ic. this 2 are very important. Then, go for the test early. like mine.. suppose to start at 11am.. and i went there at 10am. masuk sekolah muka cool jer.. rilek2 sudah.. sebab yg amik muet tu pun nanti baya2 kita jugak.. or maybe la ade org yg lebih dewasa.. tapi diorang pun mcm kita jugak.. so.. xyah gabra sangat la bila tgk diorg.. heeee~
then.. we all are quarantined in a room. and in that room we know our groupmates. then we can discuss anything with them. but.. i end up chattering with my friend. LOL. hehe.. thats is a way to reduce our nervousness. seriously.. and.. no doubt that 90% in that room was UiTM students. budak PALAM jer dah 6 org including me. there are 15 candidates. 1 absent. then.. 4 org yg lebih dewasa.. the rest.. Uitm shah alam. and 1 Chinese girl.
my group consist of 3 PALAM students and sorg pakcik.. heeee.. xde lah tua mana pakcik ni.. mse kne kuarantin, kitorg wat keje masing2.. afaz pun dah x tw nk bce ape.. just termenung and berselawat jer dlm tuh.. ok. doalah tyme tu sbb bila dah masuk bilik test nnt, x sempat nk buat ape2.. trus duduk and jawab.. haa
my turn start at 12noon. and.. the invigilators are both female. they look nice. so.. kurg la skit nervous kaaan?
then.. our question is.. "challenges faced by students while studying abroad". these are the points given a) homesick b)language barrier c) financial aid d)culture difference
nmpk senang kan? hurm.. boleylaa
masa task A. ok lah.. boleh la jawab.. i got point c. so... many advantages right? hurm... i just spoke up my point. even tersekat-sekat pun.. but alhamdulillah i managed to say my point very well. during task B, everybody said their point. and... language won. alright... we all agree with reasons stated for language.. and thats how it end. nothing to worry.. just chill~ hehe
invigilators tu x cakap ape2 pun.. die tgk pun sbb nk bg markah la kan.. diorg pun melayu jugak.. so normal lah kalau trkeluar "lah" or ape2 jer.. diorg buat dunno tp xtw la kalau markah kurang..
datang berlenggang pun xpe sbb semuanya disediakan.. kertas, pemadam, pensel.. and kertas tu xdpt bwk balik.. kne crumpled kat dpn diorg gak n buang terus dlm tong sampah yg ada dlm bilik test tuh.. then baru bleh keluar.. well.. phone kne switch off..
just bace tips2 yang ade.. then pergi dgn tenang ke tmpt test.. nk nyanyi2 pun boleh.. lalalallaaa
p/s.. to muslims.. Orang-orang yg beriman dan hati mereka menjadi tenteram dengan mengingati ALLAH. Ingatlah.. dengan mengingati ALLAH, hati menjadi tenang. (Ar Ra'ad : 28) so, byk2 berselawat guys!
sesiapa nk tanye ape2 jgn segan silu ye.. insyaallah afaz akan cuba jawab..